Investigating the Effects of Banana-Derived Biochar and Straw Residues on Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Crop
Banana biochar, Straw, Growth, Grain yield, MaizeAbstract
Biochar application with straw residues can enhance their rate and increase the availability of nutrients for maize crop under field conditions. Therefore, this present study was primarily aimed at exploring the combined effect of banana derived biochar and straw residues application on the biomass production and the yield components of maize crop. The experimental study was consisting of six treatments: T-1 control, T-2 Biochar (40 ha-1), T-3 12.5 tons ha-1 straw residues, T-4 25 tons ha-1 straw residues, T-5 40 tons ha-1 biochar + 25 tons ha-1 straw residues, T-6 40 tons ha-1 biochar + 12.5 tons ha-1 straw residues. Results displayed that combine application of Biochar (40 tons ha-1) and straw residues (25 tons ha-1) enhanced the shoot fresh biomass (208%), Root fresh biomass (85%), Root length (85%), Number of grains per cob (262%), Seed index (68%), cob length (79%), grain yield (120%) and leaf area (80 %) as compared to control. While, 40 tons ha-1 biochar + 12.5 tons ha-1 straw residues increased shoot fresh biomass (197%), root fresh biomass (57%), root length (41%), number of grains per cob (220%), seed index (37%), cob length (69%), grains yield (103%) and leaf area (64%) in comparison to control. Most of the growth parameters were positively correlated with yield components. Similarly, correlation coefficient indicated significant association among different morphological characteristics when subjected to these combined applications of biochar and straw residues. Hence, this study concluded that combine application of banana biochar and straw residues promoted the grain growth and yield of the maize crop under field condition.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Bakhtyar Ahmed Ahmed , Kashif Ali Kubar, Qambar Baloch, Shahmir Ali Kalhoro, Farah Naz Kaleri , Kanya Lal, Naimatullah Kondhar, Gaji Bux Bugti, Sher Jan

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