Checking the Significance of Correlation Coefficient from the Regression Analysis using Wheat Yield.
Significance, Correlation coefficient Regression Analysis ModelAbstract
Major objective of the present study is estimate regression model and Correlation coefficient. The data were collected from the wheat section, Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Tandojam, regarding various factors influencing on the wheat production. The survey result show that yield has significant positive correlation with the parameters such as the number of tillers per plant, number of seed per spike, length of spike in cm, the number of spikes let per, tiller per hectare and plant height cm. The parameter of wheat number of tillers per plant meter square standard error is (0.569), coefficient is (0.816). T-value is (1.43) and with positively significant is (0.018). The parameter of number of seed per spike standard error is (0.107) coefficient is (0.0811) To determine the effect of dependent and independent T-value of (0.75) with significant (0.4724).The parameter of wheat is length of spike in cm is standard error is (1.704), Coefficient is (1.092), T-value is (0.64) with the positively significant is (0.029) T-value is (2.20) and with positively significant is (0.039).The parameter of tiller per hectare is standard error is (0.026), standardized The Number of spike let per spike with standard error of this parameter (0.5172)coefficient is (1.135), the coefficients beta is (0.041), and T-value of this parameter is (1.73) and with the positively significant value is (0.121). The parameter of wheat is day of heading cm with the standard error is (0.650), the standardized coefficient beta is negative (1.426), the T – value of this parameter is (-2.19) with the weak significant of (0.059). The parameter of wheat is plant height cm standard error is (0.203), with standardized coefficient beta is (0.081), T-value of this parameter is (0.40) with the significant value is (0.697). The parameter of lodging score per hector centimeter with standard error is (0.662), the standard coefficient of beta is (-0.504), T-value of this parameter is (-0.76), with the significant of (0.468).The parameter of number of grains weight in grams with standard error is (0.245) standardized coefficient of beta is (0.106), T-value is (0.43) with the significant value is (0.677). The parameter of wheat is seed index 1000 grains weight with standard error is (3.437) , coefficient is (0.384) , T-value is (0.11) With the significant value is (0.913).The parameter of wheat is plot yield gram with standard error is (0.0215), with coefficients is (-0.036), is T-value of this parameter is (-1.72) with the significant value is (0.124). The Parameter of wheat is nitrogen per hector kilogram with standard error is (0.168), coefficient is (0.1688), is T-value is (1.00) with the significant of (0.345).The parameter of Phosphorus per hack Kg with standard error is (0.333), coefficient of is (-0.138), T-value is this parameter is (-0.42) with the significant of (0.688). It is suggested that the more factors can be studied and different statistical techniques, agronomics practices and different doses of fertilizer can be applied for the high production of wheat crop.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ali Akbar Pirzado, Suresh Kumar Sutahar, Velo Sutahar, Naeem Ahmed Qurashi, Imran Khan Jatoi, Suhail Aslam Khaskeli, Rashid Ali Chandio, Komal Aarain, Moula Bux Peerzado

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