Reviewers Guidelines

At the Journal of Applied Research in Plant Sciences (JOARPS)., we believe that peer review is essential to maintaining the quality and integrity of scientific research. These guidelines are for reviewers who voluntarily participate in the double-blind peer review process of JOARPS. All submitted manuscripts, including commissioned articles, undergo rigorous peer review before publication.

Double-Blind Peer Review
JOARPS follows a double-blind review process, meaning that:
Reviewers and authors remain anonymous to ensure an unbiased assessment.
✔ Manuscripts are evaluated solely based on their scientific merit, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope.

Role of Reviewers
Reviewers provide expert recommendations on whether a manuscript should be revised, accepted, or rejected. Their primary responsibilities include:
✔ Assessing scientific rigor – Evaluating methodology, logic, statistical analysis, and conclusions.
✔ Providing constructive feedback – Clearly articulating strengths and areas for improvement.
✔ Ensuring proper citation – Identifying relevant published work that the authors may have missed.
✔ Maintaining confidentiality – Treating all manuscript content as strictly confidential.
✔ Declaring conflicts of interest – Disclosing any competing interests before reviewing.

Final decisions on manuscript acceptance are made by the Editorial Board, based on reviewers' recommendations.

How to Write Review Comments
Reviewers should log into the e-submission system to download the manuscript and supplementary files. While language and formatting are not the primary focus, reviewers should evaluate scientific accuracy and logical interpretation of results.