Integrated Effect of Organic Amendments and Chemical Fertilizers on yield of Groundnut and Soil Health Under Rainfed Condition
Organic amendments, Chemical fertilizers, Groundnut, Soil health, EconomicsAbstract
Although inorganic fertilizers increase the growth of crops, but their toxicity is the main concern due to their over utilization. To tackle this problem, the integrated application of organic amendment especially vermicompost, with NPK fertilizers would be a good choice. For this, the integrated effect of organic amendments including vermicompost (VC) and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB), and chemical fertilizers (NPK) on yield of groundnut and soil health, a field trial was done at the research area of Barani Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Chakwal. The experiment was done with eight treatments in randomized complete block factorial design replicated thrice. The experimental data revealed that the treatment T8: Recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) (NPK 20:80:60 Kg ha-1) + VC @ 4t ha-1 + PSB had superior effect on plant height (54.76.23%), number of plants per m2 (22.25%), number of pods per plant (61.90%), pod yield (83.25%) and haulem yield (86.02%) as compared to control. Similarly, a higher benefit cost ratio (BCR) was observed in T8 than rest of the treatments and control. Soil fertility indicators (OM, NO3-N, P and K) were improved, indicating the improvement in soil health with the combine application of VC, PSB and RDF. A combination of organic amendment, bio fertilizer, and inorganic fertilizer is necessary to optimize groundnut growth and yield attributes, as well as soil health.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Arsalan, Abdul Latif, Madeeha Khan, Sairah Syed, Rehmat Ullah, Ijaz Ahmad, Muhammad Bilal, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood, Muhammad Ehsan, Rizwan Latif, Abdul Ghaffar, Sanaullah

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