Effect of Different Mulching Materials on Weed Emergence and Quality of Strawberry under Rainfed Conditions
Strawberry, Chandler, rainfed, temperateAbstract
Strawberry is one of the most attractive fruits among berries. It possess unique place among cultivated berry fruits due to its attractive red color, taste, flavor and high nutritional value. For commercial production plants are propagated from runners but weed infestation is the biggest problem of strawberry crop. In this regard, the current study was designed to use different mulching materials on weed control, morphological and physico-chemical characteristics of strawberry cv. Chandler under rain fed conditions of Rawalakot. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with six mulching treatments. Data was recorded for various parameters including weed control, morphological characteristics, physical characteristics and biochemical characteristics. Results showed that maximum weed control (10.33) was found in strawberry plants grown in black polythene mulch. However, maximum survival percentage (95.75), leaves per plant (8.0), flowers per plants (7.33),fruits per plant (5.33), runners per plant(8.33), chlorophyll a (8.55 g/mL), chlorophyll b (9.26 g/mL), total chlorophyll (18.14 g/mL), fruit weight (2.93g), fruit diameter(2.73 cm) were found in strawberry plants grown in mulching material amended with coconut coir. Bio chemicals parameters like total soluble solids (TSS) (8.50%), titratable acidity (TA) (1.89%), vitamin C (0.25 mg/100g), total anthocyanins (40.06 mg/100g), total phenolics (0.60 mg gallic acid/100 g), total flavonoids (2.86 mg/100gFW), and antioxidant activity (0.89 µg/100 mg FW) were also found maximum in plants grown in coconut coir. Based on current findings it can be concluded that mulching material black polythene was found better for weed control and coconut coir was found better for morphological and physico-chemical characteristics of strawberry
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