Evaluation of Soil Physico-Chemical Properties in Pre and Post Flood Conditions at Thatta Sindh Pakistan
Flood, Lower Indus plane, Soil properties, Soil deterioration, Nutrients statusAbstract
The heavy rainfall caused biggest ever natural rain flood in River Indus in the history of Pakistan during 2010. The deltaic district Thatta of Sindh Pakistan hit by flood with breach came out at Dyke near Thatta city on right bank of River Indus. The soil sampling was carried out in month July 2010 prior to flood for routine soil analysis. After flood again soil samples from 13 same sites of pre flood spots were collected at two depths, 0-15 and 15-30 cm. Aim was to observe soil physic-chemical properties and nutrient status of pre-flood and post flood conditions. Soil sand pH and SAR were found significantly higher in post-flood conditions whereas clay and OM were found high in pre-flood conditions. The nutrients status of N, P, Ca and Mg were depleted however K remained satisfactory in post-flood conditions. In post flood conditions the pH and SAR were positive and significantly correlated with each other indicated disperse of soil. The information obtained from this study will be helpful to develop flood qualification strategies and proper management of soil.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Chohan, Riaz Noor Panhwar, Abdul Fatah Soomro, Ghulam Mohyuddin Kaloi, Ali Hassan Mari, Illahi Bux bhatti , Mumtaz Ali Gadehi

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