Effect of Zn Applied with or Without Palm Stearin Coated Urea on The Growth and Mineral Element Concentration of Maize (Zea mays L.)





Zn solution, control release urea, synergistic effect, mineral contents, hybrid


Inhibition of ammonia (NH3) volatilization by deaccelerating urea hydrolysis rate in Central Anatolian lands is the indispensable approach for eco-friendly fertilization and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). Nitrogen (N) and zinc (Zn) are critically limited here in alkaline soils. An experiment was conducted under controlled conditions to determine the availability of Zn applied as a solution and bound with polymer palm stearin (PS) coating material as a urease inhibitor. The treatments consisted of urea as a commercial commodity, urea with PS only, urea impregnated with PS and Zn, Zn-coated urea, and Zn in solution (SOL) form. During winter, 2019-20, the experiment was conducted in the glasshouse of the department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition at Ankara University, Türkiye. Data indicated that Zn with PS and in SOL form produced more growth traits i.e., plant height (130 cm), stem girth (13.2 mm), shoot dry matter (4.63 g plant-1), root dry matter yield (0.61 g plant-1), and chlorophyll (42.16 mg g-1) content (p<0.01). Similarly, we had higher concentration of N (3.19%) and Zn (50.46 mg kg-1) content in maize plants (p<0.01) as compared to control. In conclusion, Zn at the rate of 10 mg kg-1 either in solution or coated with urea seems highly effective to sustain better crop productivity and NUE. While concerning N and Zn content, coated urea with Zn markedly responded as compared to Zn in SOL. Synergism between N and Zn can lead to better fertilizer management


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How to Cite

Babar, S. K., Akca, H., Taban, S., & Shujrah, H. A. (2024). Effect of Zn Applied with or Without Palm Stearin Coated Urea on The Growth and Mineral Element Concentration of Maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Applied Research in Plant Sciences , 5(01), 119–125. https://doi.org/10.38211/joarps.2024.05.252

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