Assessing the Effect of Potassium nutrition on the Chilies (Capsicum annuum L.) Nursery Growth and Production
Potassium, Chili, Growth, parameters, ghotki, longiAbstract
Healthy seedlings production plays pivotal role for better growth and quality production of chili. Optimum use of nutrients especially potassium (K) plays a key role for strong and vigorous seedlings, hence assessed in chili. The present study explored the response of chili seedlings to K nutrition. The trial was run by employing randomized complete block design with three replications and four K rates. The K nutrition doses included 0, 30, 60 and 90 Kg ha-1 with 0 Kg was used as control. The two widely grown varieties of area (Ghotki and Longi) were used in the study. There was a substantial variation to most of the parameters with regards to K application. The chili varieties also responded differently to K nutrition for most of the studied traits. Relatively, the maximum (18.65 cm) and minimum seedling height (14.25 cm) was noted by nourishing seeds with increasing K rates (90 Kg ha-1) and control (0 Kg ha-1). Positive effect of K application was also observed on leaf growth and development and more leaves (12.91) were observed at higher K rates. Shoot and root growth traits also responded significantly, and highest fresh seedling shoot weight (5.28 g), and root weight (0.92 g) were recorded when plants were nursed under the influence of highest K nutrition. In case of varieties, Ghotki showed superior performance over Longi for all the traits studied. It is concluded that nursery of chili crop may be raised by applying K @90 kg ha-1 for healthy and vigorous seedling production.
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