Mutational and Carcinogenic Potential of Amaltas Fruit Via Oxidation
Mutation and Carcinogenesis, Cassia fistula L, OxidationAbstract
Long term intake of plant-based medicines without knowing their toxicities and mutagenic potentials is common globally. Therefore, current work is an extension of cancer patient survey at Nuclear Institute of Medicine and Radiotherapy (NIMRA), for long term utilization of medicinal plant. Genotoxic potential Amaltas fruit (AF) was tested by Cicer arietinum L. and Allium cepa L plant assay. Abnormality index (A.I.), types of abnormalities and oxidative damages were the major parameters of genotoxicity. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed statistically significant differences (LSD) at p≤ 0.05 for A.I. and oxidative damage in both assay plants, except negative control. Both A.I. and oxidative damages revealed incubation dependent increase. In both assay plant the major chromosomal aberration induced was fragmentation. AF induced polyploid cells, apoptotic cells and elongated cells only in Cicer arietinum L. assay. Oxidative damages in the form of nuclear membrane and cell membrane damage were observed in aberrant cells along with ghost cells. It is concluded that AF is capable to cause genotoxic effect incubation dependent manner. High rate of fragmented cells reflects its mutagenicity and carcinogenicity mediated oxidation of DNA and membranes in both assay plants. Induction of more ghost cells and less frequent apoptosis reflects activation of oncogene. Development of Pilus like projections in ghost cells depicts proliferation potential of defected cells. Prolonged utilization of AF was the cause of cancer in surveyed patients. Allium cepa L. was more sensitive as assay plant to the genotoxin. It is recommended that AF must be used occasionally.
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