Appraisal of new Raya (Brassica Juncea L.) Genotypes for Their Suitability in Arid Climatic Conditions
The abrupt and extreme climatic conditions have paved ways for a shift in crop adaptability in their agro-ecological zones. To combat the uncertainty in crop yield, it is prerequisite to test newly developed crop genotypes to specific climatic conditions. Hence a two-year experiment was planned to evaluate the phenotypic performance and genetic potential of grain yield of six locally produced genotypes of Raya (Brassica juncea L.). The experiment was conducted at the research farm Regional Agricultural Research Institute, Bahawalpur, Pakistan during 2018-19 to 2019-20. The study was laid out in Randomized complete block design and replicated four times. The observations were recorded for yield and yield determining components and final results showed that variety Bwp-Raya produced maximum grain yield (kg ha-1) as 4856.5 kg/ha due to highest number of silique per branch as 169.25, grains per silique as 18.500 and 1000 grain weight as 4.015g. While among strains Brj-9070 produced maximum grain yield (kg ha-1) as4278 kg/ha due to highest number of silique per branch as 168.50, grains per silique 18.250 and 1000 grain weight. This evaluation was crucial in order to determine the best performing Raya variety in arid conditions, so that farmers can select the best suitable variety according to climatic conditions prevailing in their areas.
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